High Quality Hyperlocal Health News

Welcome to The Health Standard, where local health news meets journalistic excellence.

Our platform offers original hyperlocal health content of the day's top health and wellness stories for your coverage markets.

Hyperlocal Health News
Hyperlocal Health News

Experts & Data Drive our Health Content

Our team of doctors and licensed healthcare professionals create the content to ensure that the health message is geared towards managing health and wellness at a personal and population level.

Use our resources to build your local health news stack.

Accurate and timely data—right at your hyperlocal level.

Augment your day-to-day reporting of local health.

  • Expertise & Data-Driven Content

    Our news is powered by a team of dedicated healthcare professionals and journalists, ensuring reliable and impactful reporting.

  • Local Impact

    Every story we provide is designed to make a local impact, offering data-driven and digestible content that resonates with your audience.

  • National Reach, Local Focus

    Covering all 50 states, over 320 MSAs, and more than 1000 cities.

  • SEO Accretive
  • Free Access

    We invite your newsroom to become a partner and leverage our content to support your ongoing quest to serve the public good & public interest.

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Start transforming the way you cover health stories in your community.


Our principal health experts.